Nerdy college student publishes blog, shares with friends

"At first, I didn't think anyone would read it," confesses the University of Wisconsin graduate student, "I just thought it would be a cheap way to pass the time."
But after Burns received an email from former undergraduate roommate Bill Sessions concerning "the war in Iraq", Burns immediately took the opportunity to send Sessions a hyperlink containing the web address to his "opinion blog".
"It just so happened that I had posted my own article about the war just a few hours earlier, and I thought Bill should read it, since it contained some views that were contrary to his," says Burns.
Soon, the two rivals both had their own weblog, which they used on a daily basis to elaborate their views on several topics including social security and contraceptive drugs.
"You wouldn't believe some of the arguments we've had," Burns says while feverishly typing out his next big editorial bombshell, "Bill's blog is more about rhetoric and what all the media outlets have to say, I'd like to think I'm the independent one. I'm saying what the rest of America would say if only they could read his stupid remarks."
When asked whether he felt he had spent his time wisely in constructing his blog, which now has a steady readership of six subscribers, Burns couldn't have been more enthusiastic.
"You've just seen the beginning," says the single Davenport native, "I think I'll make a second blog and pretend to be somebody else, then I'll use my first blog to counter my own arguments! That ought to freak out Bill! He'll never suspect it."