Area 'X-Boxer' issues warning to would-be rivals
The nineteen-year-old Des Moines native makes no bones about his abilities.
"I'm pretty much the best player I know of," said Knowes from living floor of his grandmother's house.
"One of my cousins is like the best player at his school and I beat him everyday. And also my friend {6-year-old neighbor Zack Baker}, says I'm probably among the top 5%-6% in the world, but he takes Riddlin though."
Knowles admitted that he hasn't always been this good, but when a friend of his offered to give him an XBox in exchange for some inside information regarding the dating status of Knowle's ex-girlfriend, Knowles took him up on the offer.
Since then, his playing abilities have improved expodentially.
Knowles is so good, in fact, he has beaten "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" a total of 12 times on "Wizard Mode". Leaving many to wonder whether a worthy challenger will ever come his way.
"I seriously doubt it," Knowles says with a smirk "I'll probably grow up to make my own games. I've drawn a few pictures of some cool characters for an action game I plan to make someday."
The future indeed seems bright for this unstoppable young man. "Maybe when I finish high school I can get to work on some of those ideas."