Thursday, August 12, 2004

'Iranian Chris Farley' makes film debut

(Hollywood, CA) Last summer, Akbar Siamak wasn't sure where his next meal was coming from. He had grown up poor and misplaced on the hard streets of Tehran, Iran and few people thought he would ever be able to make ends meet, let alone become a talented performer. But on both accounts he has proven even his most ardent critics wrong.

In a drafty apartment, somewhere in Hollywood, Siamak is found sitting on his linoleum floor rehearsing lines for what will be his first big role in a Hollywood film. He is playing the role of Taxi Cab Driver Number 3, in the upcoming movie "Collateral Damage II: Lost in New York", a sci-fi thriller with a romantic edge. His part is a simple one: screaming. But as Siamak knows all too well, there are no small parts, but there are big actors and Siamak is one of them.

Discovered drunk and spouting out random movie quotes three months ago outside of a Hollywood night club, Siamak may well be what insiders call "the next Chris Farley". His large physical presence and comedic gestures resemble those of the late actor, who starred on television's 'Saturday Night Live' and appeared in such movies as 'Tommy Boy', 'Black Sheep', and 'Almost Heroes'.

No stranger to the classical works of Farley, Siamak has been known to recite famous passages from Farley's works.

"مرد چاق در كت ناچيزى, مرد در كت ناچيزى چاق!" sings Siamak outside of his apartment window, garnering laughs from a hotdog vendor four-floors below. To the Persian-trained ear it means "Fat guy in a little coat, fat guy in a little coat!"

"I've always loved American comedy," says the up and coming Iranian star, "It's all about gags and slap-stick, which is right up my alley."

Although Siamak has not received any formal training in theatre or drama, he believes his gritty, down-to-earth performances will strike a chord with audiences.

"I don't know, I guess you could say I'm at least one in a hundred," says Siamak, "If I keep this up there's a chance I could get a job working for some network like PAX, Warner Brothers or QVC."


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